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Witches Hat Spread

Kittens, Weights and Tarot

It's that witchy time of year again (actually that's all year, all the time, lol!) & I have a Halloween/ Samhain themed spread just for you. Use this spread to figure out what's going on in your current situation & how to come out a bad a** witch in the end!

I have posted a walk-through of this spread on my YouTube channel so, def check it out!

"Witches Hat" Spread

Card 1: "What's Bubbling to the Surface" What situation is making itself known?

Card 2: "Scrying in My Cauldron" Here you can gain clarity on the situation & why it is coming up.

Card 3: "Magickal Herbs" How to heal and/or work on the issue.

Card 4: "Break Out the Besom" Negativity that needs removal.

Card 5: "Raise Your Athame!" Power and/or help that you can count on.

Card 6: "Your Witchy Power" Your personal power in the situation.

Card 7: "Page for the Grimoire" What can you learn from this situation? How will this benefit you on your life's journey?

Feel free to modify this spread to fit your needs. I, personally, incorporate this spread when I need to check in to my state of being, awareness, etc., but you can use it however you wish. Let me now if you tried this out, or any thoughts you may have on this.

Thanks for checkin' out my witchy spread--sending you off with tons of love & light!!! Peace out!


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